Alan Michaelson, Owner & Instructor
Since the onset of the ServSafe® program, Alan Michaelson has been a Certified Food Safety and Responsible Alcohol Instructor with both the National Restaurant Association and the California Restaurant Association.
Alan worked his way through the many facets of the food distribution industry, from sales and marketing to training and business development. With food safety playing an integral role in his 20+ year career, Alan finally decided it was time to follow his passion for training and create Food Safety Service 1st.
Alan offers a unique perspective to food safety by combining extensive, practical hands-on experience with an interactive and personable approach. Alan brings real life examples and a sense of humor to each class. This combined with his straightforward instruction make the training easier to retain and implement in the workplace. As a result, Alan offers high quality training and ensures your certified food managers and food handlers can lead their respective teams in creating a strong food safety culture.